The Seminar and AGM held at the Pagoda on Friday 3 November was well attended by members who enjoyed presentations by Glenn Mitchell and the team from Quest Legal led by Juan Perez, as well as brief cameos from our partners, Fotoworks, Zart Art, Mindful Meditation and Young Engineers. APF Federal President, Chris Chant and Victorian Branch President, Tina King made the trip from Melbourne to join us and their attendance is much appreciated, particularly from the point of view of strengthening our national profile.
Glenn Mitchell’s presentation addressed mental health and he told the story of his personal journey, which was both challenging and enlightening. There was a clear message for everyone in the room that, as a leader, looking after your health and well-being is paramount to being able to be the best you can be for your family and the team you lead.
Juan Perez is the Principal of Quest Legal, the firm Council has engaged as the PFWA’s legal team. When Juan made a presentation to the Council meeting in September, Councillors were impressed by his willingness to explore the possibility of including training of school leaders as a part of the service package. The Seminar provided attendees with a sample of what that training might look like. I would also encourage you to reserve Friday 1 March for a breakfast seminar at which Juan will be presenting another session on the legal environment in which school leaders work. More details on this will follow. There will be a limit to the number of attendees so when details are released get in quick.