A President For All Members
A welcome to the Principals’ Federation of WA from President, Kya Graves
My career as a school leader – Deputy Principal and Principal commenced in 2005. It has been a career that has provided great satisfaction and fellowship, with the opportunity to positively influence the lives of students, staff and families. In this time, I have witnessed many changes, some for the better and some not so, but what remains consistent, is the need for strong industrial representation for school leaders, something that I am passionate about.
Leading a school inevitably presents significant challenges as you grapple with issues involving students, staff and families, and with your employer, the Department of Education. In meeting these challenges there will be times when you need support and advice, some of which will be forthcoming from the DoE, but not always. As a member of the PFWA you will receive specialist advice, support and advocacy concerning:
- Salaries and allowances
- Conditions of employment
- Organisational changes to work practices or processes
- The Industrial Agreement,
- Workplace conflict, harassment and bullying
- Policies
- Workers compensation (RiskCover)
- Leave and contract negotiations
- Performance and career development
- Health and safety issues
- Negotiation of individual industrial cases
I am proud of what the PFWA has been able to achieve in its short history, but I am also excited by the possibilities. Membership of the PFWA will provide you with the assurance of strength, support and fellowship, as we continue to strive for the recognition and reward that the role deserves.